Welcome home!

Hello there! This is my new small website that I'll use as a kind of experiments display. I really wanted it to have an oldschool vibe!

I'm a programmer. I make some random small projects, for myself or to help others if I'm able to, and big ones that you can find here

Other than that, I'm a huge video game fan, rock and stone!

Here are some things about me:

  • My main programming languages are c/c++ and JavaScript
  • I'm a french student at 42 school
  • I spend most of my time playing games and coding some random stuff
  • I really, really love cats, like really. They are awesome
  • Even though I'm french, I also speak english relatively well, and a little bit of spanish
  • I'm programming some small tools, for streaming, websites, or even bots and script, if you think I can help you can order things from me here
My projects
Hunter's Notebook

A small Discord bot for Monster Hunter World/Rise enthusiasts!

Minimalist Spotify OBS

A minimalist Spotify song display for streaming!

Dr Quine

Self replicating programs using Assembly


A small irc server made in C


Obj file visualizer made in C++
